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发布人:    发布时间:2023-11-15    【打印此页】








1.  Chao-Ping Chen and H.M. Srivastava, Complete asymptotic expansions related to the probability density function of the χ2 -distribution, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 2022, 16 (1): 218–231.

2. Chao-Ping Chen and and B. Malesevic, A method to prove inequalities and its applications, J.Math. Inequal. 2022, 16 (3): 923–945.

3. Chao-Ping Chen∗, H.M. Srivastava, Some new properties of the Barnes G-function and related results, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 15 (2021), no. 1, 129–150.

4. Chao-Ping Chen∗ and R.B. Paris, On the Wilker and Huygens-type inequalities, Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 14 (3) (2020), 685–705.

5. Chao-ping Chen∗ and R. B. Paris, An inequality involving the constant e and a generalized Carlemantype inequality, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications 23 (2020), No. 4, 1197–1203.

6. Dong Han, Jishnu Ray, Feng Wei, Normal Elements in the Iwasawa Algebras of Chevalley Groups, ,Manuscripta math., 2021.07,165: 415-451.

7. Ying-Hui Yang, Guang-Wei Mi, Shi-Jiao Geng, Qian-Qian Liu and Hui-Juan Zuo, Strong nonlocality with genuine entanglement based on GHZ-like states in multipartite quantum systems, Phys. Scr. 98, 015104 (2023)

8. Ying-Hui Yang, Rang-Yang Yan, Xiao-Li Wang, Jiang-Tao Yuan and Hui-Juan Zuo, Novel method for one-way local distinguishability of generalized Bell states in arbitrary dimension, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 55, 015301(2022).

9. Ying-Hui Yang, Qian-Qian Liu, Guang-Wei Mi and Tai-Yan Jing, Local discrimination of qudit lattice states, Quantum Information Processing, 21, 320 (2022).

10. Ying-Hui Yang, Gao-Feng Mu, Jiang-Tao Yuan and Cai-Hong Wang, Distinguishability of generalized Bell states in arbitrary dimension system via one-way local operations and classical communication, Quantum Information Processing, 20, 52 (2021).

11. Ying-Hui Yang, Jiang-Tao Yuan, Cai-Hong Wang and Shi-Jiao Geng, Locally distinguishable maximally entangled states by two-way LOCC, Quantum Information Processing, 20, 18 (2021).

12. Sha Yao;Zhi Li;Xiangyu Zhou; On the optimal L2 extension theorem and a question of Ohsawa. Nagoya Mathematical. Journal. 245(2022), 154–165.

13. Wang Yongli, Hu Peichu, Xu Qiuliang. Quantum Secure Multi-party Summation Based on Entanglement Swapping. Quantum Information Processing, 2021, 20(10): No. 319.

14. Wang Yongli, Hu Peichu, Xu Qiuliang. Quantum Protocols for Private Set Intersection Cardinality and Union Cardinality Based on Entanglement Swapping. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2021, 60(9): 3514-3528.










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