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发布人:    发布时间:2023-11-15    【打印此页】



(1)在时空并行区域分解算法求解抛物方程的研究中取得了较大突破。将时空并行算法推广到多层上,不仅给出了相应的最优收敛性理论,也成功的将该算法在超级算计算机天河二号上实现,给出了该算法在四维网格上求解三维抛物方程的 8192 个CPU 核的可扩展性结果。




1. Shishun Li, Jing-Yuan Wang and Xiao-Chuan Cai, A-stable high-order block implicit methods for parabolic equations. SIAM Journal on Numerical analysis, 61(2023), 1858–1884.

2. Shishun Li, Xinping Shao and Xiao-Chuan Cai, Multilevel space-time additive Schwarz methods for parabolic equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 40(2018), A3012-A3037.

3. Shishun Li and Xiao-Chuan Cai, Convergence analysis of two-level space-time additive Schwarz method for parabolic equations, SIAM Journal on Numerical analysis, 53(2015), 2727-2751.

4. Lingling Zhou and Yinhua Xia, Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian local discontinuous Galerkin method for linear convection-diffusion equations, Journal of Scientific Computing, 90(2022).

5. Lingling Zhou, Yinhua Xia and Chi-Wang Shu, Stability analysis and error estimates of arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian discontinuous Galerkin method coupled with Runge-Kutta time-marching for linear conservation laws, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 53(2019), 105-144.

6. Haifeng Niu, Danping Yang and Jianwei Zhou, Numerical analysis of an optimal control problem governed by the stationary Navier-Stokes equations with global velocity-constrained, Communications in Computational Physics, 24(2018), 1477-1502.

7. Lingling Zhou and Ruihan Guo, Optimal error estimates of the local discontinuous Galerkin method and high-order time discretization scheme for the Swift-Hohenberg equation, Journal of Scientific Computing, 93(2022).

8. Yanfang Wang, Chencheng Hu and Dongbin Wang. Ferromagnetism in (Cr, Mn)-co-doped 3C–SiC analyzed using density functional theory. AIP Advances, 13(2023), 065330.

9. Yanmei Zhang, Xia Cui and Guangwei Yuan, Nonlinear iteration accelerationsolution for equilibrium radiation diffusion equation, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 54(2020), 1465-1490.

10. Zhenzhen Tao, Bing Sun. Space-time spectral methods for a fourth-order parabolic optimal control problem in three control constraint cases, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 28(2023), 359–384.




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