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发布人:    发布时间:2022-12-07    【打印此页】

报告题目: On the twisted canonical rings with multiplier ideal sheaves.

报告人:    何柏颉


报告时间:2022-12-9  10:30-12:30



In this talk, we focus on the study of the twisted canonical rings with multiplier ideal sheaves over projective manifolds or compact complex manifolds. We consider 1) finite generation and 2) subadditivity problems associated to this graded subalgebra, as they play crucial roles in birational geometry. For 1), we first build some relations between the singularities of admissible Bergman metrics and the finite generation property and then give a few applications. For 2), we first recall Zhou-Zhu’s subadditivity formula of generalized Kodaira dimensions for any K¨ahler fiber space whose base manifold is of general type. Then we give another proof of this result, in the special case when the positive singular metric on the twisted line bundle has inf-analytic singularities, by using generalized Iitaka fibrations. In the end, given an algebraic fiber space, we prove the subadditivity of generalized numerical Kodaira dimensions and give an analytic approach towards O. Fujino’s subadditivity formula of logarithmic numerical Kodaira dimensions. This is joint work with Prof. Xiangyu Zhou.





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